Applications are invited from interested and eligible candidates for the following Positions. Interested Eligible candidates fulfilling the criteria may submit their applications in the prescribed format along with the detailed CV / As per the Norms.
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Established in 1958, the second of its kind, IIT Bombay Indian Institute of Technology Bombay was the first to be set up with foreign assistance. The funds from UNESCO came as Roubles from the then Soviet Union. In 1961 Parliament decreed the IITs as ‘Institutes of National Importance’. Since then, IITB has grown from strength to strength to emerge as one of the top technical universities in the world.The institute is recognized worldwide as a leader in the field of engineering education and research. Reputed for the outstanding calibre of students graduating from its undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, the institute attracts the best students from the country for its bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programmes. Research and academic programmes at IIT Bombay are driven by an outstanding faculty, many of whom are reputed for their research contributions internationally.IIT Bombay also builds links with peer universities and institutes, both at the national and the international levels, to enhance research and enrich its educational programmes. The alumni have distinguished themselves through their achievements in and contributions to industry, academics, research, business, government and social domains. The institute continues to work closely with the alumni to enhance its activities through interactions in academic and research programmes as well as to mobilise financial support.
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Invites Application for the Teaching Faculty Positions of Associate Professor and Professor Recruitment 2022
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IIT Bombay invites applications from qualified Indian nationals (including Persons of Indian Origins (PIOs) and Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs) and foreign nationals for faculty positions at the level of Associate Professor and Professor.
This is a rolling advertisement. Candidates are encouraged to apply at the earliest. Applications will be processed periodically.
- Associate Professor and Professor
- Academic units: Applications are invited for positions in Aerospace Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Earth Sciences, Electrical Engineering, Energy Science & Engineering, Environmental Science & Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, Physics.
- Centres: Ashank Desai Centre for Policy Studies, Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering (CSRE), Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas (CTARA), Centre for Urban Science & Engineering (CUSE).
- Schools: Desai Sethi School of Entrepreneurship (DSSE), Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management.
- Interdisciplinary Programs: Climate Studies, Educational Technology, Industrial Engineering & Operations Research, Systems & Control Engineering.
Qualifications: Ph. D. with first class or equivalent (in terms of Grades, etc.) at the preceding degree and excellent academic record throughout.
Additional eligibility criteria are specified separately for each academic unit.
Professor: A minimum of 10 years post-Ph.D. teaching/research/professional experience of which at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate Professor in IITs, IISc, IISERs, IIMs or at an equivalent level in any other Indian/Foreign Universities/ Institutions of comparable level. The candidate should have demonstrated leadership in research in a specific area, with an excellent record of publications in reputed journals and conferences and should have graduated Ph.D. student(s). Candidates should also have
demonstrated excellent teaching abilities at higher educational institutions. It is desirable that the candidate has carried out laboratory development/course development/ technology development/ innovative work leading to patents and has generated sufficient funding for research. It is also desirable that the candidate has external recognition in the area of specialization. The teaching and Ph.D. guidance requirements may be relaxed for candidates from research labs who have an exceptional research record.
Associate Professor: A minimum of 6 years post-Ph.D. teaching/research/professional experience of which at least 3 years should be at the level of Assistant Professor Grade I in IITs, IISc, IISERs, IIMs or at an equivalent level in any other Indian/Foreign Universities/ Institutions/Industries of comparable level. The candidate should have demonstrated research ability with an excellent record of publications in reputed journals and conferences and supervision of Ph.D. student(s). Candidates should also have demonstrated
excellent teaching abilities at higher educational institutions. It is desirable that the candidate has carried out laboratory development/course development/ technology development/ innovative work leading to patents and has generated sufficient funding for research. The criteria of supervision of Ph.D. students and teaching at higher educational institutions may be relaxed for candidates who have joined from industry.
- Assistant Professor (Grade I & II) Scale of Pay : Level 12 with a basic pay of Rs. 1,01,500/- per month. On completion of 3 years of service as Assistant Professor Grade I with Academic Level 12, shall move to Academic Level 13A1 with a basic pay of Rs.1,31,400/-per month.
- At the entry level they may be placed in Academic Level10 (basic pay of Rs.84,700/- per month) and shall move to Academic Level 11 after 1 year (basic pay of Rs. 89,900/- per month) and 2 years (basic pay of Rs. 92,600/-per month). After satisfying experience criteria for Assistant Professor Grade I, they will be moved to Assistant Professor Grade I in Academic Level12.
Mumbai, Maharashtra

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Indian Institute of Technology Bombay invites applications from eligible candidates for the Teaching Faculty positions Advertisement No. I-10/2022-23 (Date: 21st September, 2022)

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