Applications are invited from interested and eligible candidates for the following Positions. Interested Eligible candidates fulfilling the criteria may submit their applications in the prescribed format along with the detailed CV / As per the Norms.
📅 Date of Advertisement:
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bhilai was established in the state of Chhattisgarh by Ministry of Human Resource and Development in the year 2016. IIT Bhilai is presently housed in its transit campus at Government Engineering College (GEC) Raipur, Chhattisgarh. IIT Bhilai offers Bachelor of Technology (BTech), Master of Technology (MTech), Master of Science (MSc) and Doctoral programs (PhD) in various departments. The Institute made its modest start with introduction of BTech program in August 2016. The Institute is currently offering BTech and MTech programs in the departments of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Electrical Engineering (EE) and Mechanical Engineering (ME); and PhD program in the departments of Chemistry (CHM), Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Electrical Engineering (EE), Mathematics (MTH), Mechanical Engineering (ME) and Physics (PHY). IIT Bhilai has established a 3-D Printing Lab that constitutes an integral part of 3-D Modeling and Design course, a fabrication lab, an electrical lab, a computer lab and a library in a short duration.Raipur, capital city of Chhattisgarh, also has IIIT, NIT, IIM and AIIMS. It is one of the fastest developing states in India.
Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai, Raipur, Chhattisgarh Invites Application for the following Positions of Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant ProfessorRecruitment 2022
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IIT Bhilai invites applications from Indian nationals including Persons of Indian Origins (PIOs) and Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs), and Foreign Nationals to the posts of Assistant Professor (Grade-II), Assistant Professor (Grade-I), Associate Professor and Professor at IIT Bhilai ( from exceptionally bright and highly motivated candidates with an established record of independent, high quality research and commitment to teaching in the Departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), Mechanical Engineering (ME), Liberal Arts (LA), Chemistry (CY), Physics (PH) and Mathematics (MA). Foreign national here means a person who does not have either an Indian passport, or a PIO/OCI card. Foreign nationals can be offered contractual appointment for up to five years. The appointment can be renewed thereafter.
IIT Bhilai is an institute of national importance declared as such under the Institutes of Technology (Amendment) Act 2016 to provide for education and research in various branches of engineering, technology, science and arts.
- Assistant Professor (Grade-II)
- Assistant Professor (Grade-I)
- Associate Professor
- Professor
1 | Chemistry : | Electrochemistry; Photochemistry and Energy Storage etc. |
2 | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) : | Discipline CSE: High Performance Computing including Cloud Computing, Parallel processing, Distributed Computing etc. Discipline EE: Control System; Power System and Power Electronics; Instrumentation, Microelectronics, Circuits and VLSI Design; Signal Processing; Communications, RF and Microwaves; Speech Processing; Electric Vehicles etc. Discipline DSAI: Data Science including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Soft Computing, Data Management, Big Data, Data Analytics, Computer Graphics, Natural Language Processing etc. |
3 | Liberal Arts : | Economics; Literature and Linguistics; Psychology; Entrepreneurship; Sanskrit/Hindi Literature etc. |
4 | Mathematics : | Operation Research; Numerical Analysis; Algebra; Theoretical Computer Science; Analysis; Probability and Statistics; Topology, Fluid Dynamics etc. |
5 | Mechanical Engineering : | Mechatronics: Robotics and control, Automation, Micro/Nano electro-mechanical system, Application of AI/IoT in mechanical system, etc. Electric vehicle technology: Thermal management, Vehicle dynamics, Structural design, etc. Design: Design and fabrication of Composites and Nano-composites, Dynamics, Continuum Mechanics, Tribology, Biomechanics, Smart Materials, non-destructive testing techniques etc. Manufacturing: Laser material processing, Digital Manufacturing, additive Manufacturing, Precision Manufacturing etc. Thermal and fluid engineering: Turbulence, Energy, Combustion, Computational methods, high speed flow, Non-intrusive experimental techniques in thermal engineering etc. |
6 | Physics : | Astronomy and Astrophysics, Condensed Matter Physics, High Energy Physics, Quantum Information and Quantum Computation, Magnetism and Multiferroics, Energy Materials etc. |
The details of the required qualifications & experience along with other relevant information are available on the Institute Website
- Assistant Professor (Grade-I) Qualification: The candidate must have Ph.D. in a relevant area with first class or equivalent grades at the preceding degree and with consistently good academic record.
- Associate Professor Qualification: The candidate must have Ph.D. with first class or equivalent grades at the preceding degree in the appropriate branch with a very good academic record throughout.
- Professor Qualification: The candidate must have Ph.D. in a relevant area with consistently good academic record.
- ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (Grade-I): Pay Level 12 under 7th CPC. For direct recruits, minimum basic pay to be fixed at Rs. 1,01,500 in Pay Level 12, Cell No. 01. Additionally, allowances as applicable shall also be admissible.
- ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR: Pay Level – 13A2 under 7th CPC. For direct recruits, the minimum basic pay in this Pay Level shall be Rs. 139600/- (Pay Level-13A2, Cell No. 01) plus applicable allowances.
- PROFESSOR: Pay Level – 14A under 7th CPC. For direct recruits, the minimum basic pay in this Pay Level shall be Rs. 159100/- (Pay Level-14A, Cell No. 01) plus applicable allowances.
Raipur, Chhattisgarh

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Application will be accepted through IITBhilai website only at the following link:
- IIT Bhilai reserves the right to focus on specific areas for its recruitments.
- Those candidates, who have applied for the post of Assistant Professor (Grade-I) at IIT Bhilai on or after 01.07.2021 till the date of uploading of this advertisement i.e. 21.11.2022, are required to apply again. Only those applications, submitted on or after the date of uploading this advertisement, shall be considered for shortlisting.
- The closing date, to shortlist the application for the post of Assistant Professor (Grade-I) for this cycle of recruitment, shall be 31.12.2022.
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The last date for receiving applications is On or Before 31.12.2022.
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Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai invites applications from eligible candidates for the Teaching Faculty positions dated 21-11-2022

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🔖 Post Expires on 31st December 2022