Applications are invited from interested and eligible candidates for the following Positions. Interested Eligible candidates fulfilling the criteria may submit their applications in the prescribed format along with the detailed CV / As per the Norms.
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Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT) The Institute is successfully meeting the objective of producing skilled Technocrats of the highest quality who are able to take up the challenges of the industries and Research organizations of the country. MANIT offers various undergraduate and post graduate courses and research programs. This section covers all the information related to academic rules and connectivity to MANIT Bhopal. Under the peaceful and friendly environment, MANIT producing technocrats who are resources to Nation and the world. Our bright students with excellent technical skills have always been contributed to the successes of various sections towards the technical group. The mesmerizing all-embracing campus is of 650 acres, encompassed by boundary wall and ring road. The infrastructure of campus consists of administrative and academic buildings, workshops, community centre and residential area for accommodation of students and staff. Besides general infrastructure it includes elementary amenities such as post office, shopping complex, a school for children, dispensary, a campus temple, an auditorium with capacity of seating thousand people and sports complex with vast stretches of open area.
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Invites Application for the following Teaching Faculty Positions of Visiting Faculty and Adjunct Faculty Recruitment 2024
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Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT) Bhopal Applications are invited for the position of Visiting Faculty and Adjunct Faculty from reputed industries, R&D Institutions, National/International Institutes/ Universities. The aim of this position is to promote excellence in teaching, research, development Institution-Industry networks and to facilitate interactions.
- Visiting Faculty and Adjunct Faculty
- Departments
- Architecture and Planning
- Biological Science and Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronics and Communication Engineering
- Humanities
- Management Studies
- Materials and Metallurgical Engineering
- Mathematics, Bioinformatics and Computer Applications
- Mechanical Engineering
- Physics
- Centres
- Centre of Artificial Intelligence
- Centre of Excellence in Product Design and Smart Manufacturing
- Centre of Excellence in Water Management
- Energy Centre
The details of the required qualifications & experience along with other relevant information are available on the Institute Website
- i. Visiting Faculty: The monthly honorarium will be INR1.2 Lakhs, 1.0 Lakhs and 0.8 lakhs respectively for Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor. Pay protection will be done for in- office serving candidates. In case of retired Government Servants (under old pension scheme), the remuneration shall be last basic pay drawn minus pension.
- ii. Adjunct Faculty: (a) They shall receive no salary, fee nor any other compensation for their services. All direct expenses such as travel, accommodation, preparation of lecture material etc shall be reimbursed at actuals. (b) Adjunct faculty may receive financial support at the discretion of the director to attend conferences in India or abroad for presenting their work done in the institute,if in the opinion of the director, he has contributed significantly to the institute’s academic programme.
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

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Interested and eligible persons may submit the hard copy of the application form along with relevant
documents including Curriculum Vitae, list of patents/ copy rights/ important publications, specific
mention about contributions made to teaching/ training, research, design, projects, industrial links etc. to
“The Registrar, MANIT Bhopal, Link Road Number 3, Near Kali Mata Mandir, Bhopal (M.P.) – 462003” preferably on or before 31.01.2025 through Speed Post/Registered Post. This may include a brief
teaching and research statement for MANIT Bhopal.
The name of the post and department/centre must be super-scribed “Post applied for [name of the post]
Department/centre [Name of the department]” clearly on the envelope without fail.
Closing date for submission of online application and receipt of hard copy along with annexures shall be as stated in Table II. The cutoff date for determining eligibility of candidates is the closing date as stated in Table II.
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Last Date for Application Submission is on or before 31.01.2025
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List of Teaching and Non Teaching career options in India. The job opportunities sections of newspapers and employment websites advertise thousands of positions all over INDIA.
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT), Link Road Number 3, Near Kali Mata Mandir, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, 462003, INDIA
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal invites applications from eligible candidates for the Teaching Faculty positions
Advertisement for the post of Visiting Faculty and Adjunct Faculty

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🔖 Post Expires on 31st December 2024