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Daily Archives: Dec 22, 2022

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati online Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following positions of Teaching Faculty Recruitment

Online applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Professor /Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor post

National Institute of Technology Sikkim Online applications are invited from the eligible candidates for temporary faculty position Recruitment

Online applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Temporary Faculty post

Satyawati College (University of Delhi) invited Online applications from eligible candidate for teaching faculty posts of Assistant Professor

Online applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professor post

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following Various Non Teaching and Administrative Positions Recruitment

Deputy Librarian/ Assistant Librarian/ Training & Placement Officer/ Senior Medical Officer/ Medical Officer/ System Analyst/ Professional Library Assistant/ Stenographer / Nurse/ Library Assistant/ Laboratory Assistant/ Consultant
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Central University of Karnataka invited online Applications from eligible candidates for the following Various Non Teaching, Administrative and Technical Positions (Group A,B,C) Recruitment

Registrar/ Finance Officer/ Deputy Librarian/ Internal Audit Officer/ Executive Engineer/ Assistant Registrar / Medical Officer / Private Secretary/ Estate Officer/ Security Officer/ Section Officer/ Assistant Engineer/ Assistant/ Senior Technical Assistant / Nursing Officer/ Professional Assistant/ Junior Engineer / Personal Assistant/ Security Inspector/ Statistical Assistant/ Pharmacist/ Technical Assistant / Semi Professional Assistant/ Upper Division Clerk/ Laboratory Assistant/ Library Assistant / Hindi Typist/ Lower Division Clerk/ Driver/ Laboratory Attendant/ Medical Attendant/Dresser/ Library Attendant/ MTS/Peon /Office Attendant

Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad invited online Applications from eligible candidates for the following Various Non Teaching and Technical post Recruitment

Online applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Medical Officer / Staff Nurse / Junior Technical Superintendent / Junior Assistant / Junior Technician post

IPEM Group of Institutions invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Teaching Faculty and Administrative Positions Recruitment

Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor/ Head Administration / Head Admissions & Counselor post

Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University (DSEU) invites eligible candidates for appearing in Walk in interview for the following Visiting/Guest Faculty (on Part-Time basis) posts

Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Visiting/Guest Faculty post
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Delhi Technological University Applications are invited for the vacant post of Research Associate from highly motivated and eligible candidates for SERB funded sponsored research...

Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Research Associate-I post

Indian Institute of Technology Goa Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Library Trainee (On Contract) Recruitment

Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Library Trainee (On Contract) Recruitment post