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Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Teaching Faculty Recruitment Rolling Advertisement 2022


Applications are invited from interested and eligible candidates for the following Positions. Interested Eligible candidates fulfilling the criteria may submit their applications in the prescribed format along with the detailed CV / As per the Norms.


Date of Advertisement: 15-01-2021




Indian Institute of Technology Delhi is one of the 23 IITs created to be Centres of Excellence for training, research and development in science, engineering and technology in India. Established as College of Engineering in 1961, the Institute was later declared as an Institution of National Importance under the “Institutes of Technology (Amendment) Act, 1963” and was renamed as “Indian Institute of Technology Delhi”. It was then accorded the status of a Deemed University with powers to decide its own academic policy, to conduct its own examinations, and to award its own degrees. Since its inception, over 48000 have graduated from IIT Delhi in various disciplines including Engineering, Physical Sciences, Management and Humanities & Social Sciences. Of these, nearly 5070 received Ph.D. degrees. The number of students who graduated with B.Tech. degree is over 15738. The rest obtained Master’s Degree in Engineering, Sciences and Business Administration. These alumni today work as scientists, technologists, business managers and entrepreneurs. There are several alumni who have moved away from their original disciplines and have taken to administrative services, active politics or are with NGOs. In doing so, they have contributed significantly to building of this nation, and to industrialization around the world.

IIT Delhi invites applications from well qualified Ph.D Degree holders for the following faculty positions at the level of Professor and Associate Professor in its various academicUnits. This is a rolling advertisement. There is no last date. However, the processing of the applications by the Academic Unit will be done in two cycles every year and the deadlines are respectively First Cycle – 31st December and Second Cycle – 30th June of the respective year.

IIT Delhi invites applications from well qualified Ph.D Degree holders for the following faculty position at the level of Assistant Professor in its various Academic Units and System Architect in Computer Services Centre. This is a rolling advertisement. There is no last date


  • Professor
  • Associate Professor
  • Assistant Professor (Grade I)
  • System Architect
  • Computer Services Centre
    • Senior System Manager (SG)
    • System Manager


Professor and Associate Professor

  1. APPLIED MECHANICS: Solid mechanics, Fluid mechanics, Design engineering and interdisciplinary areas of mechanics including but not restricted to Biomechanics, Nanomechanics, Multifunctional materials and structures, Structural health monitoring, Soft robotics, Machine learning in mechanics, Two-phase flows, Environmental fluid flows, Granular flows, Solid-fluid interactions, Naval Architecture, etc.
  2. BIOCHEMICAL ENGG. & BIOTECHNOLOGY: DBEB is an interdisciplinary department open to both scientists (biologists, chemists, physicists) and engineers (chemical, biochemical). We are particularly interested in candidates engaged in the rational development of processes for production of biochemicals using microbial, mammalian and plant cell cultures. We are equally interested in candidates involved in the development of enabling tools or technologies for the above processes such as metabolic engineering, synthetic biology, computational biology and systems biology.
  3. CHEMICAL ENGG: All areas of Chemical Engineering.
  4. CHEMISTRY: For Professor: Molecular Simulations of condensed phases, For Associate Professor: Total synthesis of natural products, Inorganic heterogeneous catalysis, Heme and Non-heme bioinorganic chemistry.
  5. CIVIL ENGG: Environmental: Water and Waste Water Engg., Air Pollution Control Engg., Solid and Hazardous Waste Engg., Geotechnical: Geotechnical Engg., Geo- environmental Engg., Rock Mechanics, Rock Engg., Structures: Structural Engg., Construction Materials, Construction Management, Transportation: Transportation and Traffic Planning, Transportation and Traffic Engg., Pavement Engg.,
    Water Resources: Water Resources Engg. and related Areas.
    NOTE: The candidate should have B.E./B.Tech. or equivalent degree in Engineering with Ph.D. in the relevant area.
  6. COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGG : High Performance Computing and Visualization, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Wired and Wireless Networks, Mobile Computing, Cyber- physical Systems & Internet of Things (IoT), Algorithms & Complexity, Logic & Verification, Information Management, Information Retrieval, Data Analytics and Data Sciences, Computer Vision, Graphics & Robotics, Programming Languages, Semantics, Analysis & Language Implementation, Distributed & Multicore Computing, Operating Systems and Cloud Computing, Cryptography and Cryptosystems, Systems and Information Security, Human-Computer Interaction, Embedded Systems, Computer Architecture, VLSI and Design Automation.
  7. DESIGN: All areas of Design and Innovation including but not limited to Industrial Design, Product Design, Engineering Design, Design Creativity, Design Theory & Methodology, Applied Ergonomics and Human Factors in Design, Universal and Inclusive Design, Participatory Design, Design Automation and Design Optimization, Design Computing and Design Informatics, Materials and Design, Design for Product Life-Cycle, Art and Design, Form and Aesthetics, Digital Media Design, Social and Cultural aspects of Design, Design policy, Design Strategy, Design Management, Toy and Game Design, Information Design, Service Design, Automotive Design, Design for UX,UI, HCI, Graphic Design, Communication Design.
  8. ELECTRICAL ENGG: In all areas of Electrical Engineering including Electronics & Circuits, Control& Automation, Communication, Computer Engineering, Power Systems, Power Electronics, Machines & Drives.
  9. ENERGY SCEINCE & ENGINEERING: For Professor: Plasma Science and Technology, Solar Thermal Technology. For Associate Professor: Experimental Plasma Science and Technology, Solar Photovoltaic Devices and Systems, Solar Thermal Technology.
  10. HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES: Economics: Development Economincs, Specialization in Microeconomics/Macroeconomics/International Trade/ Economic History is desired. However, exceptionally good candidates in any other specializations in Economics are also encouraged to apply. Linguistics: Semantics, Neuro-linguistics, Phonology, Comparative Syntax, Theoretical/Formal Syntax, Psycholinguistics, Language Acquisition, Computational linguistics. Literature: Indian Literature, Gender and feminism, Literature Theory, Twentieth Century literature, South Asian literature, Contemporary literature, The City. Philosophy: All sub-disciplines of philosophy, witha special focus on the following
    areas: ethics, metaphysics, history of philosophy, political philosophy, philosophy of law, logic, epistemology, philosophy of mind, environmental philosophy,feminist philosophy, philosophy of culture, philosophy of religion, philosophy of technology, and philosophy of science. Applications are especially welcome from philosophers with access to philosophical texts in non-English languages, and who belong
    to diverse traditions of philosophy indifferent parts of the world. Psychology: Social Psychology, Positive Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Neuropsychology, Computational Psychology. Sociology: Sociology of Religion, Sociology of Food and Agriculture, Prison.
  11. MANAGEMENT STUDIES: Operations & Supply Chain Management, Marketing Management, Strategic Management, Technology Management, Telecom Systems Management, Human Resource Management, Organizational Studies, Corporate law, Finance, Economics, Information Systems, Business Analytics-Big Data/Natural Language Processing/Deep Learning/Al, Digital Transformation loT/Blockchain/Information Security Management, Entrepreneurship.
  12. MATERIAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING: Material processing and characterization, Materials modeling, polymeric materials, Alloys, composites and structural materials, Functional materials, Nanostructured materials, Materials for sustainable technology, Fracture Mechanics and process Metallurgy and Corrosion Science and Engineering.
  13. MATHEMATICS: All areas of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Theoretical Computer Science, Probability and Statistics.
  14. MECHANICAL ENGG: “All areas of Design and Production and Industrial Engineering-Operations
    Research & Analytics. Further, outstanding candidates in the area of thermofluids with strong fundamentals in
    the domain of their specialization. Applicants in the areas of Industrial Engineering-Operations Research &
    Analytics specializations are especially encouraged to apply”.
  15. PHYSICS: Quantum Materials, Quantum Technology & Quantum Information Systems, Applied Optics, Optical Design & Fabrication, Atomic, Molecular Spectroscopy, Plasma Physics.
  16. TEXTILE & FIBRE ENGINEERING: Textile Engineering, Textile Technology, Textile Chemistry, Fibre Science & Technology, and other Engineering and Science (such as Civil, Mechanical, Chemical, Electrical/Electronics, Materials, Polymers, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Bio- Sciences and Management) with demonstrated research experience in areas relevant to textiles and fibres.
  17. APPLIED RESEARCH IN ELECTRONICS (CARE) : Microwaves and RF: RFIC and RFMEMS, Imaging and Surveillance, RF Digital Co-design, Active and Reconfigurable Antennas and Arrays,High Power Solid-State Systems, Non-linear Modeling and Measurements, Components & Systems up to THz; Microelectronics: MEMS and Microsystems, Micro sensors development for defense and space applications, High speed electronic devices and circuits, Quantum Electronic devices for Quantum Information Technology; Signal Processing: Acoustic Signal Processing, Underwater and Air Acoustics, Speech and Audio Processing, Signal Processing for Communications, Sensor Array Signal Processing, Multi-sensor Data Fusion, Machine Learning for Signal Processing, Signal Processing for Internet-ofThings; Multi-disciplinary: Modern RadarSystems.
  18. ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES (CAS): All areas of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science.
  19. AUTOMOTIVE RESEARCH AND TRIBOLOGY (CART): Power Electronics for EV applications, EV charging infrastructure and smart charging solutions, Vehicular Telematics and Embedded system for EVs, Connected and Autonomous EVs, Vehicle dynamics and control, Condition Monitoring for EV components, Materials for EV components.
  20. BIOMEDICAL ENGG. (CBME): Bio-Instrumentation: Electrical Engg. Electronics, Medical Sensors, Biomechanics: Medical Implants, Mechanical Engg, Design Engg., Production Engg., Material Science & Engg., Bio-Imaging: Electrical, Electronics, Optical, Biomaterials: Manufacturing, Processing,characterization.
  21. RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY (CRDT): Rural Resources, Energy systems & Infrastructure; Resilience & Climate Change; Disruptive Technologies; Engineering Design, Artisanal/Agricultural Tools & Crafts; Indian Knowledge system, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship; Water resource management, Sanitation & Soil Health; Microbial & Biomass Technologies; Food science
    & Nutrition, Food processing & Technology (All above areas in rural context)
  23. BHARTI SCHOOL OF TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT (BSTTM): All areas of telecom technology and management.
  24. AMAR NATH & SHASHI KHOSLA SCHOOL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (ANSKSIT) Computational Neuroscience, Medical Applications of Information Technologies, Computational & Systems Biology, Embedded Systems & Sensors,Computer Security, Internet of Things (IoT).
  25. KUSUMA SCHOOL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (KSBS): For Professor: Peptide Therapeutics and related areas, ForAssociate Professor:Basic FundamentalResearch inBiological Sciencesin the areas of Structural Biology, Infectious Diseases & Non- communicable Disorders, Cognitive& Computational Neurosciences.
  26. SCHOOL OF PUBLIC POLICY (SOPP): The applicants must have a demonstrated track record of research
    in the area of public policy with broad focus on Science, Technology & Innovation (STI)and Development, and expertise in one or more of the specific areas of (1) Energy & Environment (2) Healthinnovations & systems (3) Sustainable Habitats (4) Agriculture, Food & Water (5) Industry & Economy (6) Internet, Digital Information & Society (7) Innovation Systems & Processes, and (8) Technical Higher Education. For further details, please see
  27. SCHOOL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (ScAI) : In all areas of artificial intelligence, Subareas of interest include (but are not limited to) deep learning, reinforcement learning, probabilistic models, data mining, information retrieval, multi-agent systems, knowledge representation and reasoning, mathematical foundations of AI, ethics of AI, applied AI such as NLP, computer vision, robotics, AI on the edge, etc., and
    applications of AI to domain areas such as healthcare, agriculture, education,industry 4.0, etc. ScAI strongly encourages applicants with demonstrated track-record of working at the intersection of an application area and the AI fields. More details are found at


  1. APPLIED MECHANICS: Solid mechanics, Fluid mechanics, Design engineering and interdisciplinary areas of mechanics including but not restricted to Biomechanics, Nanomechanics, Multifunctional materials and structures, Structural health monitoring, Soft robotics, Machine learning in mechanics, Two-phase flows, Environmental fluid flows, Granular flows, Solid-fluid interactions, Naval Architecture, etc.
  2. BIOCHEMICAL ENGG. & BIOTECHNOLOGY: DBEB is an interdisciplinary department open to both scientists (biologists, chemists, physicists) and engineers (chemical, biochemical). Weare particularly interested in candidates engaged in the rational development of processes
    for production of biochemicals using microbial, mammalian and plant cell cultures. We are equally interested in candidates involved in the development of enabling tools or technologies for the above processes such as metabolic engineering, synthetic biology, computational
    biology and systems biology.
  3. CHEMICAL ENGG: All areas of Chemical Engineering, the candidate should have undergraduate education in chemical or allied engineering disciplines.
  4. CIVIL ENGG: Environmental: Water and Waste Water Engg. Air Pollution Control Engg. Solid and Hazardous Waste Engg. Geotechnical: Geotechnical Engg., geo- environmental Engg, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engg., Structures: Structural Engg.Construction Materials,
    Construction Management, Transportation: Transport and Traffic planning, Transportation and Traffic Engg., Pavement Engg., Water Resources: Water Resources Engg, and related areas.
  5. COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGG.: High Performance Computing and Visualization, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Wired and Wireless Networks, Mobile Computing Cyber –physical Systems & Internet of Things(IOT), Algorithms &Complexity, Logic & Verification, Information Management, Information Retrieval, Data Analytics and Data Sciences, Computer Vision, Graphics & Robotics, Programming Languages, Semantics, Analysis & Language Implementation, Distributed & Multicore Computing, Operating Systems and Cloud Computing, Cryptography and Cryptosystems, Systems and Information Security, Human Computer Interaction, Embedded Systems, Computer Architecture, VLSI and Design Automation.
  6. DESIGN : All areas of Design and Innovation including but not limited to Industrial Design, Product Design, Engineering Design, Design Creativity, Design Theory & Methodology, Applied Ergonomics and Human Factors in Design, Universal and Inclusive Design, Participatory Design, Design Automation and Design Optimization, Design Computing and Design Informatics, Materials nad Design, Design for
    Product Life-Cycle, Art and Design, Form and Aesthetics, Digital Media Design, Social and Cultural aspects of Design, Design policy, Design Strategy, Design Management, Toy and Game Design, otive Design, Design for UX,UI, HCI, Graphic Design, Communication Design.
  7. ELECTRICAL ENGG.: In all areas of Electrical Engineering including Electronics& Circuits, Control & Automation, Communication, Computer Engineering, Power Systems, Power Electronics, Machines & Drives.
  8. ENERGY SCIENCE & ENGINEERING: Renewable Energy Technologies, Energy Storage, Electrical Power Systems, Power Electronics, Electrical Machines and Drives,Control and Instrumentation for Energy Applications, Electronic Devices, Thermodynamics, Fluid
    Mechanics, Heat Transfer, and Combustion pertaining to Energy Systems.
  9. HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES: Economics: Development Economics, Specialization in Microeconomics/Macroeconomics/International Trade/ Economic History is desired. However, exceptionally good candidates in any other specializations in Economics are also encouraged to apply. Linguistics: Semantics, Neuro-linguistics, Phonology, Comparative Syntax, Theoretical/Formal Syntax, Psycholinguistics, Language Acquisition, Computational linguistics. Literature: Indian Literature, Gender and feminism, Literary Theory, Twentieth Century literature, South Asian literature, Contemporary literature, The City. Philosophy: All sub-disciplines of philosophy, with a specialfocus on the following areas: ethics, metaphysics, history of philosophy, political philosophy, philosophy of law, logic, epistemology, philosophy of mind, environmentalphilosophy, feminist philosophy, philosophy of culture, philosophy of religion, philosophy of technology, and philosophy of science. Applications are especially welcome fromphilosophers with accessto philosophical texts in non-English languages,and who
    belong to diverse traditions of philosophy in different parts of the world. Psychology: Social Psychology, Positive Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Neuropsychology, Computational Psychology. Sociology: Sociology of Religion, Sociology of Food and Agriculture, Prison.
  10. MANAGEMENT STUDIES: Operations & Supply Chain Management, Marketing Management, Strategic Management, Technology Management, Telecom Systems Management, Human Resource Management, Organizational Studies, Corporate law,
    Finance, Economics, Information Systems, Business Analytics-Big Data/Natural Language Processing/Deep Learning/Al, Digital Transformation-loT/Blockchain/Information Security Management, Entrepreneurship,
  11. MATERIAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING: Material synthesis, processing and characterization, Materials modeling, polymeric materials, Alloys, co mposites and structural materials, Functional materials, Nanostructured materials, Materials for sustainable technology
    and process Metallurgy and Corrosion Science and Engineering.
  12. MATHEMATICS: Probability, Statistics, Optimization, Scientific Computing, Theoretical Computer Science and Machine Learning and Data Science.
  13. MECHANICAL ENGG.: “All areas of Design and Production and Industrial Engineering Operations Research & Analytics. Further, outstanding candidates in the area of thermofluids with strong fundamentals in the domain of their specialization. Applicants in the areas of
    Industrial Engineering-Operations Research & Analytics specializations are especially mncouraged to apply”.
  14. PHYSICS: Quantum Materials, Quantum Technology & Quantum Information Systems, Applied Optics, Optical Design & Fabrication, Atomic, Molecular Spectroscopy, Plasma Physics.
  15. TEXTILE & FIBRE ENGINEERING: Textile Engineering, Textile Technology, Textile Chemistry, Fibre Science & Technology, and other Engineering and Science (such as Civil, Mechanical, Chemical, Electrical/Electronics, Materials, Polymers, Mathematics, Physics,
    Chemistry, Bio-Sciences and Management) with demonstrated research experience in areas relevant to textiles and fibres.
  16. APPLIED RESEARCH IN ELECTRONICS (CARE) : Microwaves and RF: RFICand RFMEMS, Imaging and Surveillance, RF Digital Co-design, Active and Reconfigurable Antennas and Arrays, High Power Solid-State Systems, Non-linear Modeling and Measurements, Components & Systems up to THz; Microelectronics: MEMS and Microsystems, Micro sensors development for defense and space applications, High speed electronic devices and circuits, Quantum Electronic devices for Quantum Information Technology; Signal Processing: Acoustic Signal Processing, Underwater and Air Acoustics, Speech and Audio Processing, Signal Processing for Communications, Sensor Array SignalProcessing, Multi-sensor Data Fusion, Machine Learning for Signal Processing, Signal
    Processing for Internet-of-Things; Multi- disciplinary: Modern Radar Systems.
  17. ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES (CAS): All areas of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science.
  18. AUTOMOTIVE RESEARCH AND TRIBOLOGY (CART): Power Electronics forEV applications, Battery management systems and other storage technologies for EVs,EV charging infrastructure and smart charging solutions, Vehicular Telematics and Embedded system for
    EVs, Connected and Autonomous EVs, Vehicle dynamics and control.
  19. BIOMEDICAL ENGG (CBME).: Bio Instrumentation; Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Medical Sensors, Biomechanics; Medical Implants, Mechanical Engineering, Design Engineering, Production Engineering, Material Science & Engineering, Bio Imaging; Electrical, Electronics, Optical.
  20. RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY (CRDT) : Rural Resources, Energy systems & Infrastructure; Resilience & Climate Change; Disruptive Technologies; Engineering Design, Artisanal/Agricultural Tools & Crafts; Indian Knowledge system, Skill Development
    & Entrepreneurship; Water resource management, Sanitation & Soil Health; Microbial & Biomass Technologies; Food science & Nutrition, Food processing & Technology (All above areas in rural context) Preference will be given in these areas: Artisanal/Agricultural Tools &
    Crafts;Resilience & Climate Change; Water resource management & Food science & Nutrition.
  22. TRIP-Centre (Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Centre): Invites applications from well qualified Ph.D. degree holders with a strong academic backgroundfor the posts of Assistant Professor/Associate Professor and Professor specializing in transport planning and traffic safety, Automotive safety, Impact biomechanics, sustainable transport safety; vehicular pollution, transport economics, transport geography (statistics/epidemiology with a focus on population and demographics. Applicants can seek joint appointments in suitable departments and center’s at IITD. TRIP Centre is a new academic unit established in May, ’21. The Centre promotes and facilitates collaborative research and technology development in
    transportation research and injury prevention field.
  23. OPTICS AND PHOTONICS CENTRE: Optical Engineering, Optical Instrumentationand Metrology, Optical Imaging, Fiber Optics, Integrated Optics, Optical Communication, Optical Sensors, Laser Science and Technology, Ultrafast Optics, Silicon Photonics, Nanophotonics,
    Plasmonics, Biophotonics, Green Photonics, Statistical and Quantum Optics, Quantum Photonics, Terahertz Photonics, Optical Metamaterials, Nonlinear Optics, Optical and Magnetooptical Storage Devices, Photonic Devices, and other relevant areas.
  25. AMAR NATH & SHASHI KHOSLA SCHOOL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (ANSKSIT): Computational Neuroscience, Medical Applications ofInformation Technologies, Computational & Systems Biology, Embedded Systems& Sensor, Computer Security, Internet of Things (IOT).
  26. KUSUMA SCHOOL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (KSBS): Basic/ Fundamentalresearch in Biological Sciences in the areas of Structural Biology, Infectiousdiseases & noncommunicable disorders and cognitive & computational neurosciences.
  27. SCHOOL OF PUBLIC POLICY (SOPP): The applicants must have a demonstrated track record of research in the area of public policy with broad focus on Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) and Development, and expertise in one or more of the specific areas of (1)
    Energy & Environment (2) Health innovations & systems (3) Sustainable Habitats (4) Agriculture, Food & Water (5) Industry & Economy (6) Internet,Digital Information & Society (7) Innovation Systems & Processes, and (8) Technical Higher Education. For further details,
    please see
  28. SCHOOL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (ScAI) : In all areas of artificial intelligence, Subareas of interest include (but are not limited to) deep learning, reinforcement learning, probabilistic models, data mining, information retrieval, multi-agent systems, knowledge
    representation and reasoning, mathematical foundations of AI, ethics of AI, applied AI such as NLP, computer vision, robotics,AI on the edge, etc., and applications of AI to domain areas such as healthcare, agriculture, education, industry 4.0, etc. ScAI strongly encourages applicants with demonstrated track-record of working at the intersection of an application area and the AI fields.
    More details are found at
  29. Computer Service Centre: – System Architect.


Ph.D. and First class or equivalent grade at the preceding degree in an appropriate branch/discipline with a good academic record throughout. A minimum of three years teaching/ research / professional experience, excluding the experience gained before and while pursuing Ph.D. Candidate should have demonstrated research capabilities in terms of publications in reputed journals and conferences.
Candidates with Ph.D but with less than 3 years experience can be considered for Assistant Professor (Grade II).

❖ Ph.D. in Computer Science/Engineering/Applied Sciences with 3 years experience OR
❖ M.Tech. in Computer Science/Engineering/Applied Sciences with 5 years experience OR
❖ B.Tech. or M.Sc. in Computer Science/Engineering/Applied Sciences or M.C.A. with 7 years experience; and
❖ First class or equivalent grade in all university-level degrees in respective discipline with a consistently good academic record;
❖ Strong academic background and work experience with computer systems or computer systems/applications software (including high-performance computing) or computer networks.

Ph.D with First class or equivalent grade at the preceding degree in an appropriate branch/discipline with a good academic record throughout.
EXPERIENCE (Required as on the last date of application):
Minimum 10 years Teaching/Research/Industrial experience of which at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate Professor in IITs or in similar institutes of national importance or at an equivalent level in any other Indian or foreign institutions /institutions of comparable standards.
Minimum 6 years Teaching/Research/Industrial experience of which at least 3 years should be at the level of Assistant Professor or equivalent in IITs or similar institutes of national importance or at an equivalent level in any other Indian or foreign institutions /institutions of comparable standards.


  • Professor Rs.1,59,100 – 2,20,200/- (minimum pay of Rs.1,59,100/-)in Academic Level 14A
  • Associate Professor Rs.1,39,600 – 2,11,300/- (minimum pay of Rs.1,39,600/-)in Academic Level 13A2
  • Assistant Professor (Grade I) Pay Level 12 (Rs.1,01,500-1,67,400) with minimum Pay of Rs.1,01,500/-. After completion of 3 years of service as Assistant Professor in Pay Level 12, the candidates will be considered for movement to Pay Level 13A1 (Rs.1,31,400- 2,04,700)
  • System Architect Pay Level 12 (Rs.1,01,500-1,67,400) with minimum Pay of Rs.101500/-. After completion of 3 years of service as System Architect in Pay Level 12, the candidates will be considered for movement to Pay Level 13A1 (Rs.1,31,400- 2,04,700)
  • Sr. System Manager (SG) Rs.1,59,100 – 2,20,200/- (minimum pay of Rs1,59,100/-)in Academic Level 14A
  • System Manager Rs.1,39,600 – 2,11,300 /- (minimum pay of Rs1,39,600/-)in Academic Level 13A2


New Delhi, Delhi


It is a requirement that candidates use the IIT Delhi website ( ) to fill-up and submit application online against the aforesaid faculty position. The website also contains useful information of various aspects of working and lining at IIT Delhi and recruitment process
As a precaution, after submitting the application through the website, please retain a copy of the application.
Candidates employed with Government/Semi-Government Organizations or with Autonomous Bodies must print a
copy of the electronic submission and submitthe printed version through proper channel at the address given below.
Candidates who have applied online may please log in to our site
( ) and check the status whether their applications havebeen received
or not.
Address for Correspondence:
Joint Registrar (E-I)
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016, INDIA
Telephone: +91-11-26591709/26591716


This is a rolling advertisement. There is no last date



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Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, IIT Campus, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, Delhi 110016, INDIA


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Dr IPJ Sam has been the lead article writer at Faculty Tick since 2018. His passion for helping academicians in all aspects of getting career opportunities in their respective fields.



