Applications are invited from interested and eligible candidates for the following Positions. Interested Eligible candidates fulfilling the criteria may submit their applications in the prescribed format along with the detailed CV / As per the Norms.
📅 Date of Advertisement: 31-01-2022
XLRI is one of the oldest and most prestigious B-Schools in South Asia. The rich heritage and the academic rigour at XLRI is at par with the best business schools internationally. In our pursuit of excellence, we endeavour to attract the most accomplished faculty and staff. XLRI has professionally qualified and experienced permanent faculty drawn from various streams of management disciplines. A balanced mix of academicians, researchers and professionals from public and private sectors contributes to the institute’s academic excellence. Part time and visiting faculty also contribute in enriching the quality of our curriculum. Every member of the XLRI family has an important job to do and everyone takes pride and finds meaning in being part of an exceptional institution that has contributed in its own small way to nation-building for over seventy years.
Xavier School of Management (XLRI) – India’s first Business Management education school was established in 1949, soon after the independence of India. XLRI is looking for dedicated and committed faculty members who will be able to contribute to the Institute’s academic excellence and integrity.
Applications are invited for the following positions of Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors in the areas of:
- Professor
- Associate Professor
- Assistant Professor
- General Management (Business Ethics, Business Law/ Industrial Law, Business communication)
- Strategic Management
- Finance
- Economics
- Information Systems
- Business Analytics
- Production, Operations and Decision Sciences
- Marketing Management
- Human Resource Management
- Organizational Behaviour
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Applicants should be able to demonstrate their ability to contribute to the intellectual advancement of potential as well as experienced managers through their teaching history, research aptitude and published work. Applicants should be able to integrate current developments of business environment with fundamentals of their relevant subject area. Faculty members are expected to carry out research, design and teach courses, engage in institution development and conduct training program and undertake consultancy.
Minimum Qualifications and Experience Requirements for Faculty Positions:
For academic positions, the qualification, experience etc. shall be governed by the Ministry of Human Resource Development guidelines.
Ph.D. in the appropriate branch from a reputed institute with first class or equivalent (in terms of grades, etc.) in the preceding degree, with a very good consistent academic record throughout. Minimum 10 years teaching/research/industrial experience of which at least 5 years should be at the level of Associate Professor in Grade A level institutes or in any such other Indian or foreign institution/institutions of comparable standards. He / She should have high research, training and consulting credentials.
Criteria for Shortlisting Candidates for Professor Position
First Class (Min 60%) or equivalent grade in Master’s and Bachelor’s degree with a consistently good academic record.
XLRI Jamshedpur will follow Australian Bureau of Deans Council’s ABDC Journal Quality List (
Minimum two Research Paper in ABDC’s “A/A Rated Journals” in last 4 years. One Case along with teaching note published in Harvard Case Publishing / Richard Ivey / Emerald will be considered equivalent to one paper in ‘C’ Rated Journals. Candidate should have guided Ph.D./ FPM and good research publication.
Associate Professor
Ph.D. in the appropriate branch with first class or equivalent (in terms of grades, etc.) in the preceding degree, with a very good academic record throughout. Minimum of 6 years’ experience of which at least 3 years should be at the level of Assistant Professor, and ability to interact with a diverse student body and executives, and ability to undertake research independently. Candidates from Industry (Government / PSU / Research Organization) having experience of 10 years at the level equivalent to Assistant Professor may also be considered.
Criteria for Shortlisting Candidates for Associate Professor Position
First class (Min 60%) or equivalent grade in Master’s and Bachelor’s degree with a consistently good academic record.
XLRI Jamshedpur will follow Australian Bureau of Deans Council’s ABDC Journal Quality List (
Minimum 1 Research Paper in ABDC’s “A/A Rated Journals” or 2 in “B Rated Journals” in last 3 years.
One case along with teaching note published in Harvard Case Publishing / Richard Ivey / Emerald will be considered equivalent to one paper in ‘C’ Rated Journals.
Preference for candidates who have guided FPM/Ph.D. and good research publication.
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. in the appropriate branch with first class or equivalent (in terms of grades, etc.) in the preceding degree, with a very good academic record throughout. Minimum three years of teaching/research/industrial experience (exclusive period of doing Ph.D.). However, in exceptional cases of candidates with excellent academic credentials, this experience requirement may be waived. A fresh Ph.D. may be considered for the position on contract basis. Candidates from Industry (Government / PSU / Research Organization) having experience of 6 years at the level equivalent to Assistant Professor may also be considered.
Criteria for Shortlisting Candidates for Assistant Professor Position
First class (Min 60%) or equivalent grade in Master’s and Bachelor’s degree with a consistently good academic record.
XLRI Jamshedpur will follow Australian Bureau of Deans Council’s ABDC Journal Quality List (
Minimum one Research Paper in ABDC’s “A Rated Journals” or two in “B Rated Journals” in last 2 years.
One Case along with teaching note published in Harvard Case Publishing / Richard Ivey /Emerald will be considered equivalent to one paper in ‘C’ Rated Journals.
Preference for candidates who have good research publication.
₹ As Per Norms
Delhi-NCR Campus, Haryana
Applications, prepared in the given template, must reach us by Email ( [email protected] ), latest by 26th February, 2022
Complete Curriculum Vitae (as per the format) Curriculum Vitae (as per the format) by Email to [email protected]. While mailing the application, please include your name in the attachment – file name.
- Please address all queries regarding the application to [email protected].
Last date for receipt of Online Application is 26th February, 2022.
Candidates are advised to visit the website of XLRI Jamshedpur ( regularly for updates. Amendments, corrigenda (if any), will be placed on the Institute website only. (
Note: Candidates who have already applied need not apply again.
Last date for receipt of Online Application is 26th February, 2022
📧 EMAIL (Teaching Faculty)
XLRI Delhi-NCR Campus, Aurangpur, Dadri Toye, P. O. Jhajjar, Haryana – 124 103
XLRI – Xavier School of Management invites applications from eligible candidates for the Teaching Faculty positions

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