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Monthly Archives: September, 2024

G H Raisoni University invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Teaching Faculty , Administrative and Non-Teaching Positions Recruitment

Vacancy for the Post of Dean/ Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor/ Administrative Officer / Registrar / Controller of Examination/ Soft Skill trainer/ Communication trainer/ Aptitude Trainer/ Foreign Language trainer

MIT World Peace University invited applications from eligible candidate for teaching posts of Assistant Professor in School of Business

Applications are invited from interested and eligible candidates for the following Positions. Interested Eligible candidates fulfilling the criteria may submit their applications in the...

PPG Institute of Technology invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Teaching Faculty and Lab Instructor Recruitment

Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Professor/Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor / Lab Instructor post

Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Engineering and Technology invites eligible candidates for appearing in Walk in interview for the following Teaching Faculty and Controller of...

Applications are invited from interested and eligible candidates for the following Positions. Interested Eligible candidates fulfilling the criteria may submit their applications in the...
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University of Delhi Online applications are invited from eligible candidates for appointment of Teaching Faculty positions in Faculty of Technology

Online applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor post

Central University of Karnataka invites eligible candidates for appearing in Walk in interview for the following Teaching faculty posts in Computer Science (MCA), Education

Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Contract Faulty post

Mizoram University invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Guest Faculty Recruitment in ECE

Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Guest Faculty post

K. K. University Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Workshop Technician Recruitment

Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Workshop Technician post
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Odisha State Open University Applications are invited from eligible candidate for the following post of Teaching Faculty Recruitment

Applications are invited for faculty positions from eligible candidates at the level of Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor

Assam Skill University (ASU) Applications are invited from eligible candidate for the following post of Teaching Faculty Recruitment

Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor post