Applications are invited from interested and eligible candidates for the following Positions. Interested Eligible candidates fulfilling the criteria may submit their applications in the prescribed format along with the detailed CV / As per the Norms.
📅 Date of Advertisement:
Ghani Khan Choudhury Institute of Engineering & Technology (GKCIET), Malda, West Bengal was established in 2010 by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India under the mentorship of National Institute of Technology, Durgapur and in the memory of Sri A.B.A. Ghani Khan Choudhury who had contributed immensely to societal development of the region. The Institute is located at Malda, West Bengal with the bordering districts of Bihar, Jharkhand and North Eastern states. Ghani Khan Choudhury Institute of Engineering & Technology (GKCIET), Malda was established with the objective to create a multi-layered inter disciplinary and inter-sectorial efficient professional technical manpower to act as an international podium for the development and transfer of technical competence in academics.
Ghani Khan Choudhury Institute of Engineering & Technology Malda, West Bengal Invites Application for the following Positions of Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor / Junior Engineer (Civil) / Junior Assistant Recruitment 2025
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Ghani Khan Choudhury Institute of Engineering and Technology invites applications from Indian nationals for recruitment at the level of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in the under mentioned disciplines through direct recruitment
- Professor
- Associate Professor
- Assistant Professor
- Junior Engineer (Civil)
- Junior Assistant
- Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
- Electrical Engineering (EE)
- Mechanical Engineering (ME)
- Physics
- Civil Engineering (CE)
As per AICTE and UGC guidelines for teaching posts and as per approved Recruitment Rules for non-teaching posts.
1 Professor at Academic Level 14, Entry Pay Rs.1,44,200/-
2 Associate Professor at Academic Level-13A1, Entry Pay Rs.1,31,400/-
3 Assistant Professor at Academic Level 10, Entry Pay Rs.57,700/- (Basic)
Malda, West Bengal

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All candidates are required to apply online in the prescribed format with complete, correct information and attachments. The candidate will be solely responsible for the authenticity of the submitted information. Candidates are required to fill the application form as available on the Institute website The details regarding qualifications, experience, screening guidelines and indicative proformas etc. are available on the Institute website, along with this advertisement. The candidates are required to read these details carefully before filling up the form.
Submission of Online Applications (up to 20.02.2025 Mid Night):
Teaching faculty positions
After the online submission of the form, candidates will have to take a print out of the form. All the documents in support of the application are to be attached with the application (including annexure B for all faculty positions and Annexure C for Professor and Associate Professor positions only). All the pages of the application and supporting document are to be numbered and signed by the applicant. Signed application and all thus signed supporting documents, in a single PDF, are to uploaded in the application link after paying the application fee online. All the information of the application is to validated by supporting document else will not be considered in shortlisting process.
A hard copy of this PDF (application and all supporting documents) will have to be posted/submitted to
The Director
Ghani Khan Choudhury Institute of Engineering and Technology , Narayanpur, Malda, West Bengal-732141
The last date of receiving hard copy of application is 24th February (Monday), 5 PM. Name of the post applied for should be super scribed on the envelope used for sending the hard copy of the application.
The institute shall not be responsible for any postal delay or non-receipt of the application. No such request will be entertained.
Non-Teaching positions
All the documents in support of the application are to be attached with the application. All the pages of the application and supporting document are to be signed by the applicant. All the information of the application is to validated by supporting document else will not be considered in shortlisting process. Signed application and all signed supporting documents, in a single PDF, are to uploaded in the application link after paying the application fee. Last date for submitting the application online is 10th February 2025, 12 midnight.
A hard copy of this PDF (application and all supporting documents) will have to be posted/submitted to The Director
Ghani Khan Choudhury Institute of Engineering and Technology, Narayanpur, Malda, West Bengal-732141
The last date of receiving hard copy of application is 14th February (Friday), 5 PM. Name of the post applied for should be super scribed on the envelope used for sending the hard copy of the application.
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Submission of Online Applications (up to 20.02.2025 Mid Night):
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List of Teaching and Non Teaching career options in India. The job opportunities sections of newspapers and employment websites advertise thousands of positions all over INDIA.
Ghani Khan Choudhury Institute of Engineering & Technology , Narayanpur, Malda – 732 141, West Bengal, INDIA
Ghani Khan Choudhury Institute of Engineering & Technology invites applications from eligible candidates for the Teaching Faculty positions
Recruitment (Non teaching positions) Advertisement No. 01/NF/2025 dated 20.1.2025

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🔖 Post Expires on 20th February 2025