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Daily Archives: Mar 14, 2025

Delhi Public School Hajipur Eligible candidates are invited to apply for the following Teachers and Non Teaching positions

Vacancy for the Post of Post Graduate Teachers/ Trained Graduate Teachers/ Primary Teacher/ Librarian/ Vocal Music Teacher/Dance & Art Teacher/ Receptionist

Sanjay Ghodawat University Eligible candidates are invited to apply for the following Dean and Teaching Faculty positions

Online applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Dean / Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor post

Vivekananda Institute Of Professional Studies Technical Campus Eligible candidates are invited to apply for the following Teaching Faculty and Non Teaching positions

Vacancy for the Post of Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor/ Network & System Administrator / Lab Technicians / Office Assistant / Data Engineer

Manipal University Jaipur Eligible candidates are invited to apply for the following Teaching Faculty & Administrative Positions 

Online applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Director / Associate Dean/ Professor/ Associate Professor / Assistant Professor post
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CMR Institute of Technology Eligible candidates are invited to apply for the following Deans/ Directors/ Teaching Faculty and Non Teaching positions

Vacancy for the Post of Deans/ Directors/ Senior Professors/ Professors/ Associate Professors/ Assistant Professors/ Teaching Assistants /Senior Placement Officer / Full Stack Training Specialist / Programming Training Specialist / Lab Instructor

The ICFAI University Eligible candidates are invited to apply for the following Teaching Faculty and Non Teaching positions

Applications are invited from highly motivated and dynamic eligible candidates for Associate Professors / Assistant Professors/ Trainer / Placement Officer / System Admin position

Bharat Institutions Eligible candidates are invited to apply for the following Teaching Faculty positions

Applications are invited for the following Teaching faculty positions from eligible candidates at the level of Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor

Prasad V. Potluri Siddhartha Institute of Technology Eligible candidates are invited to apply for the following Teaching Faculty positions in CSE(AI&ML)/CSE(Data Science)

Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor post
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North-Eastern Hill University Eligible candidates are invited to apply for the following Guest Faculty positions

Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Guest Faculty post

Central University of Jharkhand invites eligible candidates for appearing in Walk in interview for the following Assistant Professor (Temporary) in the Department of Computer...

Online applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professor (Temporary) post