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HomeSCHOOLAir Force School Hebbal Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the...

Air Force School Hebbal Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Teachers (PGT/TGT/Primary Teacher) and Various Positions Recruitment

Applications are invited from interested and eligible candidates for the following Positions. Interested Eligible candidates fulfilling the criteria may submit their applications in the prescribed format along with the detailed CV / As per the Norms.


📅 Date of Advertisement: 02-02-2022




AFSH aspires to empower its students to have a holistic development, in scholastics and demeanour, supplemented with a sense of patriotism and complemented by an evolving curriculum and Co-Curricular activities.Air Force School Hebbal is a Pre-University institution replete in its structure from Nursery to the Primary wing up to the Senior Secondary wing in the school. The eminence of the Air Force schools lies in its discipline & Service that it extends to the progeny of the Air Warriors both serving & retired personnel across the country. This facility is also extended to the offspring of civilians & other government institutions.

Interested candidates may apply for the following vacancies:
Regular- TGT Social Studies-01 ,TGTComputer-01 HM-01, Helpers (MTS) – 04 (02 male & 02 female)
PGT History – 01, PGT Political Science – 01, PGT Psychology -01 PGT Legal Studies – 01, TGT Maths -01, TGT Special Educator -01, PRT-02, NTT-04
PGT Physics – 01, TGT Computer – 01, PRT Computer – 01, PRT- 02, NTT-01


  • Headmaster/Headmistress Primary School
  • PGT Post Graduate Teachers
  • TGT Trained Graduate Teachers
  • Special Education
  • Primary Teacher
  • Nursery Trained Teacher
  • Helpers


Post Graduate Teachers
(a) PGT (History)
(b) PGT (Political Science)
(c) PGT (Psychology)
(d) PGT (Legal Studies) – A regular Master’s Degree in Law (LLM) or its equivalent
(e) PGT (Physics) – Physics / Electronics / Applied Physics / Nuclear Physics

Trained Graduate Teachers
(a)TGT (Social Studies) – Any two out of History, Geography, Economics or Political Science, of which one must be either History or Geography.
(b)TGT (Computer)
(c)TGT (Maths)


Post Graduate Teachers
Mandatory Qualifications
(1)A Maters Degree from any University recognized by the Govt of India / UGC / AICTE with a minimum aggregate marks of 50 percent in the subject and 50 percent in the aggregate:-
(a) PGT (History)
(b) PGT (Political Science)
(c) PGT (Psychology)
(d) PGT (Legal Studies) – A regular Master’s Degree in Law (LLM) or its equivalent
(e) PGT (Physics) – Physics / Electronics / Applied Physics / Nuclear Physics

(i) A Bachelor of Education Degree or its equivalent from a college/ university recognised by Govt of India/AICTE/UGC/National Council of Teachers Education. However, B.Ed. degree is not mandatory for the post of PGT (Computers) and Health Wellness Teacher.
(ii)Should be in the age group of 21 to 50 years as on 01 July of the academic year in which the post is being filled.
(iii)Women candidates and physically challenged candidates will be given age relaxation upto a maximum of five years.
(iv)Ex-servicemen candidates who have put in not less than six months of continuous service in the Army, Navy or the Air Force shall be allowed to deduct the period of such service from their actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for the post by more than three years, they shall be deemed to have satisfied the condition regarding age limit. Such ex-servicemen candidates, if selected for the post, will also retire from the School as per rules of the Society.
(v) Candidates with at least two years continuous service as a PGT/TGT or three years as a PRT/NTT in any Air Force School but presently not working in an Air Force School will be given age relaxation up to the extent of such service rendered in Air Force School.
(vi)Should be able to read, write and communicate fluently in English (except PGT Hindi).
(vii)Knowledge of computer applications, especially MS Office.
(viii)Ability to read/write/communicate in Hindi.
(ix)CTET/STET qualified candidates will be given additional weightage during selection.

Trained Graduate Teachers
(b) Mandatory Qualifications
(i)A Masters or a Bachelor’s Degree from any University recognised by the Govt of India/ UGC/ AICTE with a minimum marks of 50 percent in the subject and 50 percent in the aggregate, including electives and languages, in the combination of subjects as under:-
•TGT (Social Studies): Any two out of History, Geography, Economics or Political Science, of which one must be either History or Geography.
•TGT (Computer): PGDCA / MCA / BE from any Govt recognized institution.
(ii)A Bachelor of Education Degree or its equivalent from a college/ university recognised by Govt of India/AICTE/UGC/National Council of Teachers Education.
(iii)Shouldbeintheagegroupof21to50yearsason01July21 oftheacademic year in which the post is beingfilled.
(iv)Women candidates and physically challenged candidates will be given age relaxation upto a maximum of fiveyears.
(v)Ex-servicemen candidates who have put in not less than six months of continuous service in the Army, Navy or the Air Force shall be allowed to deduct the period of such service from their actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for the post by more than three years, they shall be deemed to have satisfied the condition regarding age limit. Such ex-servicemen candidates, if selected for the post, will also retire from the School as per rules of the Society.
(vi)Candidates with at least two years continuous service as a PGT/TGT or three years as a PRT/NTT in any Air Force School but presently not working in anAirForceSchool,willbegivenagerelaxationuptotheextentofsuchservice rendered in Air ForceSchool.
(vii)Should be able to read, write and communicate fluently in English (except TGT Hindi, Sanskrit, Games andDrawing).
(ii)Knowledge of computer applications, especially MSOffice.
(iii)Ability to read/write/communicate inHindi / English
(iv)CTET/STET qualified candidates will be given additional weightage duringselection.

Mandatory QRs:-
(a)Graduate with B.Ed(Special Education)
(b)B.Ed (General) with one year Diploma in Special Education
(c)B.Ed (General) with two years Diploma in Special Education
(d)B.Ed(General) with Post Graduate Professional Diploma in Special Education (PGPD)
(e)B.Ed Special Education and Post Graduate Professional Certificate in Special Education (PGPC).
(f)PG Diploma in Special Education (Mental Retardation)
(g)PG Diploma in Special Education (Multiple Disability: Physical & Neurological)
(h)PG Diploma in Special Education (Locomotor Impairment and Cerebral Palsy)
(j)Secondary level Teacher Training Course in Visual Impairment
(k) Senior Diploma in Teaching the Deaf
(l) BA B.Ed in Visual Impairment
(ii) Should be in the age group of 21 to 50 years as on 01 July 2020. Women candidates and physically challenged candidates will be given age relaxation upto a maximum of five years.
(iii) Ex-servicemen candidates who have put in not less than six months of continuous service in the Army, Navy or the Air Force shall be allowed to deduct the period of such service from their actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for the post by more than three years, they shall be deemed to have satisfied the condition regarding age limit. Such ex-servicemen candidates, if selected for the post, will also retire from the School as per rules of the Society.
(iv) Should be able to read, write and communicate fluently in English.
(i) Knowledge of computer applications, especially MS Office.

Primary Teachers
Mandatory Qualifications
(v)A Bachelor’s Degree from any University recognised by the Govt of India/ UGC/AICTE, with minimum marks of 50 percent in the aggregate.
(vi)A Bachelor of Education Degree or its equivalent from a college/ university recognised by Govt of India/AICTE/UGC/National Council of Teachers Education.
(vii)Should be in the age group of 21 to 50 years as on 01 July of the academic year in which the post is being filled.
(viii)Women candidates and physically challenged candidates will be given age relaxation upto a maximum of five years.
(ix)Ex-servicemen candidates who have put in not less than six months of continuous service in the Army, Navy or the Air Force shall be allowed to deduct the period of such service from their actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for the post by more than three years, they shall be deemed to have satisfied the condition regarding age limit. Such ex-servicemen candidates, if selected for the post, will also retire from the School as per rules of the Society.
(x)Candidates with at least two years continuous service as a PGT/TGT or three years as a PRT/NTT in any Air Force School but presently not working in an Air Force School, will be given age relaxation upto the extent of such service rendered in Air Force School.
(xi)Should be able to read, write and communicate fluently in English.
(xii)Knowledge of computer applications, especially MS Office.
(xiii)Ability to read/write/communicate in Hindi.
(xiv)CTET/STET qualified candidates will be given additional weightage during selection.

Nursery Trained Teacher
(c)Mandatory Qualifications
(i)Senior Secondary with Nursery Teachers Training diploma or diploma in Nursery/Montessori/Pre-Primary Teachers Training or Diploma in Elementary Education from a Govt recognised institution. While candidates with higher qualifications may apply, preference is to be given to candidates with diploma in Nursery/Montessori Training.
(ii)Should be in the age group of 21 to 50 years as on 01 July of the academic year in which the post is being filled.
(iii)Women candidates and physically challenged candidates will be given age relaxation upto a maximum of five years.
(iv)Ex-servicemen candidates who have put in not less than six months of continuous service in the Army, Navy or the Air Force shall be allowed to deduct the period of such service from their actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for the post by more than three years, they shall be deemed to have satisfied the condition regarding age limit. Such ex-servicemen candidates, if selected for the post, will also retire from the School as per rules of the Society.
(v)Candidates with at least two years continuous service as a PGT/TGT/ PRT/ or three years as NTT in any Air Force School but presently not working in an Air Force School, will be given age relaxation upto the extent of such service rendered in Air Force School.
(vi)Should be able to read, write and communicate fluently in English.
(vii)Basic knowledge of computer applications, especially MS Office.
(viii)Should be able to read/write/communicate in Hindi.
(ix)Experience in art, craft, cartoon, caricature, puppet making, music, dance etc.

(n)Should be in the age group of 21 to 40 years as on 01July 21 of the academic year in which the post is being filled.
(o) Women candidates and physically challenged candidates will be given age relaxation upto a maximum of five years.
(p)Ex-servicemen candidates who have put in not less than six months of continuous service in the Army, Navy or the Air Force shall be allowed to deduct the period of such service from their actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for the post by more than three years, they shall be deemed to have satisfied the condition regarding age limit. Such ex-servicemen candidates, if selected for the post, will also retire from the School as per rules of the Society.
(a) Candidates with at least two years continuous service in any Air Force School but presently not working in an Air Force School, will be given age relaxation upto the extent of such service rendered in Air Force School, subject to a maximum of two years.


As Per Norms


Bengaluru, Karnataka


For more details with respect to QRs and application for above mentioned vacancies, Please log on to All interested candidates are requested to download the application and submit only in the prescribed format along with copies of all educational and work experience certificates.  Application only in the prescribed format as called for will be considered and incomplete application will be rejected.

Last date for submission of application along with all copies of testimonials (educational and experience certificates) is 21 Jan 2022.
For QRs, application, pay scale & more details please log on to


The last date for receiving applications is On or Before 21 Jan 2022



[email protected] 


080 23411061 Extn: 4506


Click Here


Air Force School Hebbal,JC Nagar Post, Hebbal, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560006, INDIA


Applications are invited for the Post of Headmaster/Headmistress Primary School/ Post Graduate Teachers/ Trained Graduate Teachers/ Special Education/ Primary Teacher/ Nursery Trained Teacher/ Helpers

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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Dr IPJ Sam has been the lead article writer at Faculty Tick since 2018. His passion for helping academicians in all aspects of getting career opportunities in their respective fields.



